Wednesday 23 September 2020

Reflecting on Mark's Gospel - Mark 16:14-18

The story is brought towards its next stage as the alternative, longer, ending continues. Jesus now appears to the whole disciple group, perhaps significantly as they are “at table”. It is certainly true that sharing meals is an important element in Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. Possibly the surprising thing is that there continues to be a substantial degree of doubt to the extent that Jesus challenges them on the matter. I wonder if our faith is as strong as it ought to be.

However, despite their lack of belief, they are commissioned to go and be the church, spreading the good news and doing little bits of kingdom work. They will be able to do all sorts of incredible things and that will demonstrate that God is with them. As Nelson Rivera (in Feasting on the Gospels – Mark) points out – “Unbelief is responded to here with a list of signs and wonders that would follow the disciples as they engage the proclamation in continuity with the mission of Jesus.” They may not really need to do some of what is mentioned here. I am not sure why they would pick up snakes or drink poison just to prove they could. I rather think that Mark, or, more probably, whoever wrote this additional ending to Mark’s Gospel, is adopting the technique sometimes used by Jesus of over-stating things in order to make a point with greater force, and ensure that the comment, and the concept, gets noted. Essentially, as Rivera adds, it is that – “a ministry of healing will be part of their mission.” I wonder how we bring healing to those whom we encounter. I wonder what we are doing, and what more we might do, to proclaim the good news of the risen Christ.

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