Tuesday 22 September 2020

Reflecting on Mark's Gospel - Mark 16:9-13


The risen Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene. This encounter is reported at much greater length in John’s gospel – 20:11-18. Mary is one of those who has greatly benefited from Jesus’ ministry. No wonder she wants to pay her last respects and is there at the tomb. Her loyalty is repaid by her meeting Jesus in these amazing circumstances. She goes to share the news, but the rest of them will not believe her. I wonder if there are times when we are unwilling to believe reports of the great things that God has done. 

This is followed by a reference to two disciples wearily walking home, presumably a brief reporting of Luke’s much longer account of the two disciples who met Jesus while they were walking to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35.

The important thing here, despite the elements of disbelief, is the sharing of news. Mary and the two travellers had experiences that they were surely desperate to share. How frustrating that they were not believed. Perhaps the message of these added stories is something about the importance of building the community of faith. As Mary Luti (in Feasting on the Gospels – Mark) points out – “believing is not a private accomplishment, but a shared project of trust and mutual traditioning in the fellowship of believers of all times and places who, by the power of the Spirit, edify one another in strength and supply one another in lack.” I wonder how we contribute to the community of faith. I wonder about the impact of our encounters with the risen Christ.

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