Tuesday 9 June 2020

Reflecting on Mark's Gospel - Mark 4:33-34

Jesus speaks to those around. He proclaims the word. He tells people things and they can hear him. He speaks in parables. He explains the parables to the disciples but, presumably at least sometimes, leaves everyone else wondering about the meaning of what he is saying. Jesus’ fundamental task is to proclaim the Kingdom but, interestingly, there is a hidden note in what he is saying. As Donald English (The Message of Mark) puts it – “The teaching, like the miracles, point in a clear direction, but the destination cannot be seen from the vantage point of the hearing or the seeing. That destination is found only be perceiving that there is more to the ministry than meets the eye or the ear.”

I wonder how much we understand of what Jesus says to us at any given moment. I wonder if there are ‘parables’ we hear, or even love, and not just those recorded by the gospel writers as having been voiced by Jesus, whose meaning we miss because we just do not get ‘it’. I wonder if we struggle to understand what Jesus really wants to say to us. Responding to the Kingdom message is not always easy. As English says – “the elements in the struggle are evident, as is the mounting sense that to get anywhere near the action is to be fascinated and challenged by it.”

I wonder with which piece of Kingdom action God would God would like us to engage today?

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