Sunday 14 June 2020

Reflecting on Mark's Gospel - Mark 5:35-43

It appears that it is too late. As Jesus is about to resume his walk to see the little girl, the father, and Jesus, are brought the news that she is already dead. The message is that there is no point in continuing. Don’t bother the teacher! But Jesus has no thought of turning back; and there is nothing to indicate that Jairus does other than expect him to continue,

We would assume that Jairus does not have any inkling of what is about to occur, and yet it is surprising that he makes to attempt to suggest that continuing is pointless as it is too late. Denis McBride (The Gospel of Mark: A Reflective Commentary) suggests that – “the image of Jairus walking with Jesus , after the messengers tell him is daughter is dead and advise him to trouble Jesus no further speaks its own language of quiet faith. It tells us of someone who has faith in Jesus as more than a healer, someone who can walk towards the unspeakable loss off death with the one who can meet death itself with a power of new life.”

The story is a healing story, but it is more than that. It is a story of profound and challenging faith. I wonder how our faith stands up when it is subjected to extreme testing.

This is a story of highs and lows, of hope and loss, and restoration. It has a happy ending. Jesus takes the girl by the hand, and tells her to get up. Remarkably, she does exactly as instructed. But the story ends, as do several of these healing encounters, with a request not to spread the news. Is it that Jesus does not want things to get out of hand? Is that Jesus does not want to be bothered by too many people? We do not know: but what we will discover is that there is a lot more to do.

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