Friday 31 July 2020

Reflecting on Mark's Gospel - Mark 13:28-37

The warnings continue, as does the call for watchfulness. The fig tree is used as an example, but in a different way from the previous encounter that Jesus and the disciples had with a fig tree. This time the appearance of leaves on the branches of the fig tree is cited as an indication of the proximity of summer.

The main message is that of a call for alertness. We should not be trying to work out what are sometimes called the ‘signs of the times’, not least because we are almost bound to get it wrong. We are not called to predict the future, but we are called to live in the right way, so that we can respond appropriately to whatever may happen. The image is of one who is not ready, or who misses things, because of being asleep; and that is contrasted with the person who is alert and awake, ready for whatever may happen.

I wonder if there are things to which we are not as alert as we should be.

As Eduard Schweizer (The Good News according to Mark) says of this section – “it summons us to wakefulness” looking for the person who “always stands accountable before the coming Lord … being ready for the Lord at all times.”

The point is to be prepared and ready for what God asks of us.

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